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- Copper Mine Kawau Island - Visit
- Cromwell and Districts Museum
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- Delph L W
- Dendroglyphs of the Chatham Islands
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- Digging up a Past
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- Duffy Collection
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- Excavations at Redcliffs 1958. Madeline Reid
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- Eyles Jim
- F R Chapman Collection
- Fairfield Geoff
- FanshaweSlipway
- Far North Regional Museum
- Finding our Recent Past: Historical Archaeology in New Zealand
- First Footsteps
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- Flounder
- Fomison Tony
- Fort Ligar
- Fort Takapuna - Visit
- Fox Aileen
- From Crank Handles to Hydraulics
- Frontiers: A Colonial Dynasty
- Frood Elizabeth
- Furey Louise
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- Gardner Downdraft Kiln - Visit
- Gathercole Peter
- George Grey Collection
- Golson Jack
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- IPENZ Engineering Heritage
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- Jefferson Christina
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- Jones Kevin
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- Kauri Point Pa
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- Kelly Tarlton Collection
- Kerikeri Mission Station and Kororipo Pa
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- Knapp F
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- Kowhai Reserve Lime Kiln - Visit
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- Manukau Timber Co. Hinge Bay - Visit
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- Maori Gardening
- Maori Oven. W. Hart-Smith
- Maori Rock Art
- Maritime Archaeology in New Zealand
- Marsden Cross
- Maungakiekie One Tree Hill The Archaeological Story of a Maori Town
- Maungarei Stonefields - Visit
- McCulloch Bev
- McCully Hugh
- McFadgen Bruce
- McGregors Bay
- McKay Alexander
- Middleton Angela
- Miln James
- Miners Head - Visit
- Mishmish Productions
- Moa The Life and Death of New Zealand's Legendary Bird
- Mokau Museum
- Mokoia Excavation
- Moore Ken
- Morwood Mike
- Motutapu Battery - Visit
- Mount Albert - Visit
- Mount Hobson - Visit
- Mount Roskill
- Mount Wellington
- Mt Albert
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- Mt Eden Prison
- Mt Eden Prison Gymnasium Excavation
- Mt Eden Stockade
- Mt Roskill Puketapapa - Visit
- Mt Wellington Maungarei - Visit
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- Ngai Tahu A Migration History
- Nihotupu Auxiliary Dam - Visit
- Nine to Noon
- North Head - Visit
- North Otago Museum
- Northland Museums
- O'Connor Blaze
- Obituaries
- Ode to the Real Oceanic Archaeologist. Lisa Matisoo Smith
- Okaihau Railway Tunnel - Visit
- Okains Bay Museum
- Okains Bay Museum / Thacker Collection
- Oldman Collection
- Omaha Beach
- Omanawatere Pa - Visit
- Omeru Pa - Visit
- Omokoroa Tauranga, U14/712 Lower Terrace
- One Tree Hill
- One Tree Hill - Visit
- Opito T10/777
- Orokaraka
- Oropi Downs, Tauranga sites U14/3056, U14/3216 and U14/1941
- Oruarangi
- Otago Museum
- Otago Settlers Museum
- Otatara Pa - Visit
- Other Associations
- Otuataua Stonefields - Visit
- Out of the Ocean Into the Fire
- Pa
- Paeroa Museum
- Pain Collection
- Palmer Bruce
- Papakura
- Papakura References
- Parker Ham
- Pathway of the Birds
- Pawhetau, Waitawa Regional Park - Visit
- Pewhairangi
- Phillips Caroline
- Pilkington Scott
- Pipikariti - Charles Brasch
- Plimmers Ark
- Pounamu: the Jade of New Zealand
- Pounamu Treasures
- Prickett Nigel
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- Puke Ariki
- Pukemiro Line
- Pullar Alan
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- Pākehā Settlements in a Māori World
- Queen Street Gaol
- Quotations
- R10-80
- Rangikapiti Pa - Visit
- Raoul and the Kermadecs New Zealand's Northernmost Islands A History
- Recent digs
- RedGurnard
- Remote Sensing Workshop
- Report Template
- Review of Archaeology of the Bay of Plenty
- Rising From the Golden Glow
- Riverhead Mill - Visit
- Rotorua Museum
- RowesdaleTauranga
- Ruahihi
- Ruapekapeka
- Rushing For Gold
- S E Chapman Collection
- Sandy Bay
- Scandrett Park Pa - Visit
- Scarlett Ron
- Schoon Theo
- Sea People, The Puzzle of Polynesia
- Shot Tower - Visit
- Sir James Fletcher Kawerau Museum
- Site Protection
- Site Recording Legislation
- Sites to Visit
- Skinner H D
- Smart Max
- Smelting House Ruin Kawau - Visit
- Snapper
- South Canterbury Museum
- Southland Museum
- St Heliers Bay
- St Thomas's Ruins - Visit
- Still life : inside the Antarctic huts of Scott and Shackleton
- Stony Batter - Visit