[hide]Summary of Vulcan Lane Project
The excavations at Vulcan Lane identified the structural remains of the c1870 buildings. As no building plans could be located for these structures, the excavations provided an opportunity to examine and record both the internal and external walls of these structures. During the assessment phase a question arose regarding whether building debris had been removed from below the depth agreed to by building owners. The excavations provided evidence that no further debris had been removed by Council and that the roadway had been created directly overlying the demolition debris. The determination of this has not only provided information of a historical nature, but also allows informed decisions to be made should any further stabilisation work be required in future along the lower length of Vulcan Lane.
Location and Date
<googlemap lat="-36.847114" lon="174.766334" zoom="17" width="200" height="200" selector="no" controls="small">-36.847114, 174.766334, Vulcan Lane, Auckland</googlemap> |
Late 19th Century, 20th Century Excavations
- Jennifer Low, MA Field Archaeologist, artefact analysis
- Glen Farley, MA Field Archaeologist
- Simon Bickler, PhD
Small Collection of artefacts from the demolition fill.
Excavation Report: Low, J., S. Bickler and G. Farley. 2007. Vulcan Lane Upgrade Project Final Report on Archaeological Excavations. Unpublished Report for Auckland City Council.