Omanawatere Pa - Visit
O-Manawatere Pa, Omana
{Infobox Sitetovisit |
| site_name = O- Manawatere Pa | alternate_name = - | stars_image = | type_image1 = | type_image2 = | ethnicity = Maori | site_type = Pa | where = Omana Regional Park, South Auckland. | how_to_get_there = How to get there: Omana is about 42 kms. (40 mins.) from Auckland City. Take the motorway south and turn off at the Papatoetoe off-ramp. Follow the signs to Whitford. You will reach Omana Regional Park just before the Maraetai settlement. The pa is ten minutes along the peripheral track from the information centre. | how_long_to_allow = 20 mina walking over the site.
What: Maori fortification, this one in ring-ditch form.
Web Info:
What else to do there: Picnic and swim
Hungry archaeologist: